Food Network’s Duff Goldman Injured In Car Crash; Dominant Right Hand Crushed

Food Network veteran Duff Goldman is recovering from a car crash in the Los Angeles area last week that crushed his dominant right hand, requiring stitches. He says it was caused by a drunken driver who “swerved into my lane on a windy country road.”

The Cake Masters star and Charm City Cakes owner told People today that he was being driven home from LAX when another car hit him head-on. He said he was left with a bad hand injury that would require a specialist’s care.

“It definitely doesn’t work,” he told the magazine about his hand. “And I need it to, because that’s all I got.”

He said he’s publicizing the incident because he wants fans and social media followers not to drink and drive.

Goldman wrote on Instagram: “On my way home from the airport I was thinking about what kind of cake I was going to make for my daughter’s birthday. Next thing I knew I was bleeding and surrounded by airbags. A drunk driver had swerved into my lane on a windy country road.

“After doing a systems check and finding that my only injury was to my hand, I thanked my lucky stars that I’d still be there to celebrate her third birthday even if I couldn’t make her cake,” he added. “I’m fine, but it’s going to be a long road to recovery, and for someone like me who makes a living with my hands, you can imagine that this is no joke. There’s no excuse for driving drunk. None. Uber, taxi, call a friend. No excuse. Stay safe friends, count your blessings. If you’re drinking don’t drive, and if you’re driving, don’t drink.”

Goldman said he, his driver and the driver of the other car were taken to the hospital. He said the other driver “got out of the car and was kind of stumbling around. I was like, ‘Oh, this guy is hurt.’ And then I went over to see if he was all right and held him upright. And I smelled his breath, and I was like …” His voice then trailed off, People said.

Goldman is a baking master who has appeared on and produced such Food Network shows as Cake Masters, Duff Takes the Cake, and Duff Till Dawn. He also is a part-time actor whose credits include A Gingerbread Christmas, Imagination Movers and voice roles on Star Wars: The Clone Wars and King of the Hill.

He also starred in the Food Network reality competition series Buddy vs. Duff. Coincidentally, his opponent on that show, Buddy Valastro, thought at one time he’d never bake again after a gruesome 2020 injury to his hand that happened when a metal rod impaled him as he tried to fix a jam in his home bowling alley.